Purchasing and inventory

When I make purchases by clicking on Warehouses / then purchasing and specifying the quantities and prices of the product and its storage location.
Why, when I go to the warehouses / then to the store that was specified in the purchase process or the stores report, do I notice that the number of quantities or prices of the purchased product was not affected or changed automatically?

I believe the work period has to be ended to for the inventory counts & costs to be updated.

These settings are for purchasing in the program.
And at the end of the day a sentence appears (
Please wait…creating Backup)
And continue to download and do not stop necessary to close the program and then reopen it

Where exist problem?

one thing I can see straight away is there are no units defined for this inventory item. I’m not 100% sure if it is causing an issue but all the how-tos I’ve read have units defined.

like this:


So for milk I’d expect to see a unit for litre with a multiplier of 1000.

See Q’s bible for inventory:

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Are there any steps to be taken in (Automation), whether (Actions) or (Rules), in order to solve this problem?

Not that I am aware of. It’s been a while since I’ve done inventory setup, but I don’t recall any special automation.