[? Question dropdown

I saw this tutorial:

and I was wondering if there is any way to do something like this:

[?Taxa de Entrega;;Vale do Sol=2|Cohabinal=3|Santos Reis=4|Monte Castelo=3]

I would like it to appera without keyboard…
I liked the dropdown part of the question, and I eed that to be a Service Charge for long trips…



Search for Ask Question action.

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ok, will try again…
I found, and I use the ask question, but I managed to get buttons…
I wanted the dropdown with options…


So it is time to dirty your hands. Topic you’ve referenced shows how to display edit value dialog inside scripts. You can read edited value and convert it to a number inside script.

BTW displaying a button set is much more simpler to use than using drop down editor.

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I was discussing this at this moment with my wife, she thinks that we should minimize quantity of buttons, but the problem here are the distances and people trying to pay less, for more…

We have 13 different BAIRROS or small districts in wich we will deliver, each one has a different Delivery Charge.

Having 12 or 13 or more buttons in question with buttons would be a NONO… instead I thought in the nice dropdown example you made with the credit cards…

Is it a silly Idea to have the ask question to identify , and |, and with , display buttons, and with | display a dropdown?

anyone remember how we used to call | in the 80´s? Well, perhaps its called the same… PIPE… and it used to be seppareted by a small space… so it would make two dashes…



Why don’t you automatically set delivery charge? Search “Google maps” keyword. You will see automatic delivery change by distance tutorial

edit here Advanced Tutorial: Automatic Delivery Charge Based on Distance via Google Maps

Because we do have a pizza delivery place in a 3rd world place, where google has not updated all street names, so in a 50% of the cases we dont have any google directions.



Or even simpler if you have only 13 rate. You may use update program setting. Variable name is district name and value is delivery fee.

I think you know how to use update program setting Action right.

so, on your customer data field you may add district field separately for easier process. Then call {SETTING:{CUSTOMER DATA:District}} to get the price

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Yes, I thought that, but I am lazyyyyyyyyy, jajajajjjajajajajajajajajajaja

I also tought had a good Idea…



EDIT, I was thinking about this, and what happens when a regular calls from a house of a friend… I will have to add a new client, wich makes operation more difficult than simply choose a district…

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I will go on thinking…



Shouldn’t be free delivery for friend lol

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Want more complicated add another field call whatever you want to override district name for special case. You call [=(x == ‘’ ? y : x)]
x is override district
Y is district
So if x is empty return y