Recipe copy for Pizza variants

I would like to know if the is a way to copy my recipes for basic pizza building for example
#Basic Pizza Large
Pizza Dough
Pizza sauce - Pizza Tomato/ Creamy Pizza sauce
#Margarita Pizza Large
=Basic Pizza Large + Olives + Tomatoes + Onion + Green peppers
Extras = Feta / Olive Oil / Avo / Mushrooms / Pineapple

We offer a build your own menu where customers can choose any topping on their pizza added to the basic pizza
We only offer Large and Standard size pizzas

Any Suggestions?
I have tried building a product but it cluters my system. Will the product allow my customers to modify it to choose between the pizza sauces and toppings.
We want to increase and build on our offering so the basic pizza model will cater for vegan also

Don’t quite understand what your getting at.
There are inventory products which act as a way to group sub inventory for example a Burger Patty inventory product would be something like minced beef, chopped onion, suet, salt, pepper, breadcrumbs etc.
Then say a cheeseburger menu item/order product would be; Burger Patty inventory product + bun+cheese etc.

See inventory details here;

As for your example you could use order tags for all the toppings etc and then rather than have a margarita product, add basic pizza to menu multiple times, then use the menu item properties settings table to change the header to margarita and preselect the toppings tags

Thanks JTRTech

I am currently reading through the tutorial and i am getting somewhere.