Regarding Custom Report Module

I Am using the licenced V5 samba pos, and custom report module is not available in my Sambamarket. Could you please help me to download and enable the custom report module

Custom Report Module is included in SambaPOS 5 at no cost; it is “built in”.

As such, there is nothing to Download or Activate when using V5.


Thank you for your reply.
The module is not showing for me . Here I am attaching my screen shot.

Please help me to enable that module.

In V5, from the Main Menu go to Manage > Reports > Reports. That is where you can manage the reports, there is no custom report module in V5, it is already included.

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Thank you Mark.
Could you help me to add the Deliverer wise sale report, I have three deliverer.

Look here to understand the reports.

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