Report: Loyal customers who aren't ordering

Hi - I currently have the following report which gives the orders placed by the customers in the last ‘specified work period’ - I just wanted to know If its possible to only get the final output for those customers who haven’t placed >2 orders for say the ‘last specified period’ - and have overall placed two, three or an X number of orders before.

current report:

min(convert(nvarchar,T.Date,105)) as Date,
min(convert(nvarchar,T.Date,108)) as Time,
COALESCE(min(TE.EntityName),‘-’) as [Entity Name],
COALESCE(min(cast(TE.EntityCustomData as nvarchar(4000))),‘-’) as [Custom1],
COALESCE(min(cast(TE.EntityCustomData as nvarchar(4000))),‘-’) as [Custom2],
min(T.TotalAmount) as TotalAmount
from Tickets as T
left outer join TicketEntities as TE on TE.Ticket_Id = T.Id
Where TE.EntityTypeId in (Select Id from EntityTypes where Name=‘@1’)
and Date > ‘{Start}’ and Date < ‘{End}’
group by T.TicketNumber