Wow - What else can I say. This is really exciting and I appreciate all your work so much.
I was just making some images to try to demostrate how I thought this could be achieved, but what you have put together is so much quicker and easier than what I could come up with. You have a great eye for User Interface design and functionality.
Congratulations. I can’t wait to check-out the latest beta of v5 - So if possible, please add me to the group.
Just one (extra) wish…
Could we have a recipt that looks something like this? (I think probably everything could be acomplished with the variables that are already exposed, but I haven’t looked closely at this yet…)
In this example I am usinging exchange rates which are changing day-by-day as clients make multiple partial payments each day
I am sure Emre will give us the necessary Printer Tags to achieve this. Most of it is already there (ie. XR Tags), save for {CHANGE AMOUNT:x} and {TENDERED AMOUNT:x} which will require sub-selection.
Yes, exactly. We currently have Tags for Change and Tendered, but they are based on default Currency. We will need to be able to drill-down those Tags so we can show how much was paid and how much change was given in each currency. So I think we need “sub-selection” added to those Tags, for example:
Thanks so much for all your help on this. I have downloaded the very latest version from the Beta group and the inverse exchange rate is working perfectly, but I am only able to get change in the currency which was last tendered. I seem to have taken a step backwards as before I was able to issue USD when someone paid with MXN, but now it jumps straight to issueing change with no buttons at all.
From a vanilla install, I have
Created a new currency called MXN
Created a new account called Cash (MX) (default currency is selected as MXN)
Created an account transaction called Change Transaction (this is a reversed clone of payment transaction)
Created a change transaction type called Change MX and Change US each of this has * mappings and " Change transaction" selected as the transaction type. I have also tried setting these with and without the respective cash accounts selected.
Whatever I do I only ever seem to be offered change in the last currency tendered.
Thanks so much @emre
The latest update seems to work great with multiple change currency. I really appreciate your time in helping with this.
I am not sure if you have seen my post in another thread, but I am trying to buy SambaPOS right now, but at the moment the payment doesn’t seem to be working.
I am looking forward to seeing the future development of SambaPOS, in particular I’d be really excited if we can get recipts printed detailing the amounts paid in the various currencies.
I am switching my Foreign Currency to be HNL with USD being the Default Currency.
Current Rate is 23 HNL to 1 USD (0.043478).
Can someone please tell me how to set Rounding (and where - there are multiple areas to configure this) so that I have .00 after the decimal because we do not use ANY coins in EITHER Currency.
So I want rounding to the nearest WHOLE number, and if possible it might be even better if I could round to the nearest 5 rather than 1 (ie. L303 would become L505) so that I don’t need singles HNL bills in my float.