Sales Per Hour Report

Sorry to be bringing this thread back up, however I was trying to implement the Sales Per hour Script.
But ended up with

In the script I got

declare @StartDate datetime = convert(varchar(25),'{Start}',126)
declare @EndDate datetime = convert(varchar(25),'{End}',126)
declare @StartHour int = @1 -- set the First Hour you want to track, or supply via report parm
declare @EndHour int = @2  -- set the Last Hour you want to track, or supply via report parm


declare @Hour int = 0
declare @TotalSales money = 0.00

declare @tbl_Sales table
,[Hour] varchar(5)
,[Amount] decimal(9,2)
,[Tickets] int
,[AvgTx] decimal(5,2)
,[Percent] decimal(5,2)

set @Hour = @StartHour

WHILE @Hour < @EndHour+1
INSERT INTO @tbl_Sales
  @Hour as [Hour]
, SUM(CASE WHEN (DATEPART(hour,[Date])>=@Hour AND DATEPART(hour,[Date])<@Hour+1)
           THEN [TotalAmount]
           ELSE 0 END) as [Amount]
, COUNT(CASE WHEN (DATEPART(hour,[Date])>=@Hour AND DATEPART(hour,[Date])<@Hour+1)
           THEN 1
           ELSE null END) as [Tickets]
FROM [dbo].[Tickets]
WHERE [Date]>=@StartDate AND [Date]<=@EndDate
SET @Hour = @Hour + 1

INSERT INTO @tbl_Sales
SELECT 'TTL', sum([Amount]), sum([Tickets]), 0, 0 FROM @tbl_Sales

set @TotalSales = (SELECT [Amount] FROM @tbl_Sales WHERE [Hour]='TTL')

UPDATE @tbl_Sales SET
 [AvgTx] = (CASE WHEN [Tickets]=0 THEN 0 ELSE [Amount]/[Tickets] END)
,[Percent] = [Amount]/@TotalSales * 100

WHEN isnumeric([Hour])=1
THEN (CASE WHEN [Hour]<10 THEN '0'+[Hour] ELSE [Hour] END)+':00'
ELSE [Hour]
END as [Hour]
, [Amount], [Tickets], [AvgTx], [Percent]
 FROM @tbl_Sales

any idea where im going wrong?

Restart SambaPOS.

This happens sometimes when you create new Reports that contain @@SQL.

Ahh yep, I thought so, it started working as soon as I restarted. All good :smiley:

I Try What u show Above It Show This Message before Hour is Invalid Column so i change HH also same error that why can u Help Me Please @QMcKay

Youll need to show you report settings

i Try To Fix whole night now show this message again

another one

We wont be able to help you unless you show us your report syntax.

that 2 are script i copy above show
i want my report like this5f211a120699075f827a4d9248d4f426673e9d2b

please help me

Hi there,

I was trying

  • Report per Day
  • Report per Hour

In both case I have an error (translated):

Varchar data type conversion to datetime gives a value outside of the interval

It rings a bell but not sure on how to correct it. I think I saw that error when playing around with date time in a WHERE clause. I had to write datetime like that

  • 2020-03-15T14:40:00
    instead of
  • 2020-03-15 14:40:00

So I guess, that error is from this instruction:


But I don’t know how to solve it.