Sales Report monthly

Haha communicating with tech people is really hard. They pre-assume programmers gets everything wrong lol. Now I doubt if you’re trying to clarify your need or wanting something else :wink:

Is it something different than that? You want monthly report by work period dates right?

Yes. Monthly (or whatever range selected by user) by work period dates.

Sorry for any miscommunication, this is the only request :wink:

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Haha @markjw this is really funny. You don’t need to talk like I’m a robot. I know it should work for whatever range selected. I just wanted to make you feel relaxed. You don’t need to mention everything. If it fails we can fix it.


@emre Sorry :smile: I guess I’m just too used to being explicit about things when writing so didn’t realise!

On next version you can use W.Range instead of T.Date to get a date range data instead of ticket date.

My work periods are broken but you can get the idea. Top part is date grouping and bottom table is work period range grouping.

Hope I got it correctly.


Hey Emre looks great - hope you can post the syntax when you release the Version. Would you also include Customer Account Sales here as well as the last column? Tricky as the Customer payment made on Account previously might of already been shown in Sales…

That great report released by @Jesse here. Sales Report monthly. I only added W.Range field that can be used instead of T.Date for grouping tickets by work period.

You can append any payment type to end of it by including your customer payment type field like PA.Customer Account… Of course these payment type names should match to your payment type names.


@emre nice :slight_smile: Thanks

BTW I notice in your reports, what is “Log Details” ?

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@emre,@Jesse Rreport not showing All payment types

[Sales:1, 1.2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]

Day|Ticket Sales|Discount|Round|Tax|Total|Cash|Eftpos|Customer Balance|Account|Gift Certificate

{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:T.Date,([T.TotalAmount]-[CA.Discount]-[T.Tax]-[CA.Round]).sum,CA.Discount.sum,CA.Round.sum,T.Tax.sum,T.TotalAmount.sum,PA.Cash.sum,PA.Eftpos.sum,PA.Customer Balance.sum,PA.Account.sum,PA.Gift Certificate.sum:(TS.Status=Paid)}

Total |{REPORT TICKET DETAILS:([T.TotalAmount]-[CA.Discount]-[T.Tax]-[CA.Round]).sum,CA.Discount.sum,CA.Round.sum,T.Tax.sum,T.TotalAmount.sum,PA.Cash.sum,PA.Eftpos.sum,PA.Customer Balance.sum,PA.Account.sum,PA.Gift Certificate.sum:(TS.Status=Paid)}

This kind of works for me? But two problems. CASH and CREDIT show no money. The total and ticket show the correct amounts. Also, the columns are not correct, they are too narrow. I get part of “Ticket Sales” on one line and the rst of the word on the other.

Hi kendash,
How to Report size was set to 700 please

Hi QMcKay, thank you very much for your advise

Hi Jesse,

I am using this syntax to produce monthly reports (or any selected period) however PA.Cash.Sum always seems to return the total received cash before the change is deducted. meaning the cash and credit card columns equal a figure exceeding the daily totals. What’s the easiest way to either show the change given or just have it show the true total received cash for that day?

Many thanks

I don’t think I’ve ever heard of someone wanting to track the change. Why would you need that?

But you would need to use P.TenderedAmount with PAYMENT DETAILS report

Honestly, I have no desire to,
Since we set up receiving mixed currencies with any change given out in our base currency, many reports seem to show it.
Is it possible to prevent this from happening with in the standard sales report?
We use this report to just list headline data over the month, so it’s very useful

Can you share a sample .csv template of how you imagine this report to look like?

A post was split to a new topic: Need help with reports