Samba badly lagging

My computer is definitely not bad, i5 proccess 4gb ram, but for some reason Samba is really starting to lag a lot now, im not sure whats causing it, or what I can do to fix it.

Need more info on where`s its lagging ie main server or additional systems?

What database version are you using TXT, CE or SQL

I am using a SQL db.

when you minimise the samba window what does it say here

I had the same problem…
core i5, w10, 4gb, slow hard drive…

in my case I solved with:

IE is a @#$%@#$% memory eater… so dont use IE or EDGE, they both suck at memory managment with old processors… mine is a core i5 m520 (2010). I do use a lor webwhatsapp and facebook… that is how our clients do contact us… and finalyy but not least memory hungry, facebook marketer…

so I found FRANZ,

ALL messaging togheter in one interface and memory friendly. I dont use any web browsing products (except franz that seems to have a very small foot print). I still use the marketer, and so, Samba runs very smooth…

hope this helps you!!!


How to minimize SambaPos, until now i can’t do it.

Once youve logged in double click the samba pos icon in the top left of the screen and it will minimise the window so you can see that title bar

Thank you, i just aware function this icon. great

So does yours say SQ in the title bar when you minimise samba?

Yeah it does say SQ when i minimuse.

Im using IE for the cuswtomer dispaly, what would you suggest?

Would not know how to replace, would try to use it as little as possible…

IE is really memory hungry specially in 4gb memory sytems
