Samba pos zip from older

HI Guys,

I have a backup from an old project what was not fihinshed yet. I would like to restart it but i cannot use it couse it uses older POS 5.1.62.

Is anyone who can send me a setup file for that one(sambasetup5.1.62) to restore the backup export the base? it would be really nice.



You should be able to restore it into latest version? Will be updated on restore.

I was not able. Said wrong database version. Thats why i looking for the old one.
So i really appreciate if some can help me out.


Usually that’s if you restore newer backup than installed version rather than upgrading…

It is not working for me at all.

So can some help me? I dont really know why so hard to send a dw link?

After the restore, restart SambaPOS and it will auto update the database. Trying to login right after restore will show the error you see.

We don’t offer older versions.

You should be able to restore in the latest version, maybe your current sql server version is lower than your saved backup

Ok i will try again. I will post the news.
