Cheers it’ll be the mapping on mine I’ll update later and check
And once complete I’ll show what I’ve done to implement the setup when not using “entities” like fast serve, bar setup
Cheers it’ll be the mapping on mine I’ll update later and check
And once complete I’ll show what I’ve done to implement the setup when not using “entities” like fast serve, bar setup
Sorted, default settle button with mapping to under ticket and that now works
I have some feedback on a possible better flow for the split tickets. currently hen you split the ticket and settle one you then have to re-select the table (entity) to open the ticket and press the split ticket button again to settle the next ticket
Could this not be improved instead by going straight back to the split ticket screen after each split ticket has been paid, cut out the other steps and make the settling of each split ticket quicker?
That can be automated. All you need to do is store ticket id then load ticket Id and use split ticket Action
are you gonna publish how to documents for this feature any time soon?
Split tickets is a much needed option, however it needs more parameters for filtering. It shouldn’t pull in all tickets based on all entities. We need to be able to choose which entities it combines on i.e. customers, tables, etc… For instance we use a custom entity for “server” but when I split ticket it shows all tickets regardless of the table. Ideally, I would like an option to choose split ticket base on customer or ticket entities and ignore server.
Demoed this with the staff today. Until we can control the table filter we will not be using this feature.
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