SambaPOS 5 Bulk Product and Inventory Importer

No guilty of no idea about modifiers. Yes the HH & VIP tags was one of the first attempts at digging into automation. I have retained the Tags because my implementation allows for a % to be used for a Product Group - just for those venues that do not wish to type in every price/portion for discounts.

Order tags are the modifiers. Try it.they can be mapped in recipes even.

This might be a good starting point.

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@pauln, you are setting it up properly.

I call it the “Modifier Screen” because the screen that appears contains both Portions and Order Tags.

Again, for FAST MENU, I do not want to see the Modifier Screen. I want the Menu Button to choose the Portion automatically. It is much faster when taking orders for “simple” items.

I touch Americano Double Menu Button and it automatically puts Americano.Double Portion on the Ticket. No need to choose the Portion from the Modifier Screen. So then I click Cappuccino Triple and boom - Cappuccino.Triple appears. No Modifier Screen. FAST.

I can still change the Order in case of operator or customer error. Select the Order and the Modifier Screen appears, then I change the Portion for that item and close the Modifier Screen.

I have no idea if these Costs are correct. But this is the “jist” of using Portions, Recipes, and Price Defs …


Thank you guys - have the 3 superheros by my side, its a great feeling! Great Q, good to know I am on the right track as deadline is looming in 4 weeks.

We also have a back log of orders from other venues as they have found out what we are up to and the features we will provide. :cold_sweat:

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Good on ya! I have recently been approached to possibly become the Tech for a new POS “company” here. Not sure I want to have the extra work though, lol. Between my 2 Venues, Beta Testing, Forum support, etc, it really cuts down on my “social” time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



I am using samba version 5.1.58 [DB 124]. I have downloaded and Install wampsever 2.5. I extracted the zipped files above into the “www” folder of the wampsever and edited the connection string as follows;

I selected Opera as my browser during wampsever installation, then i tried lunching the interface through Opera with “http://localhost/dbops.php

This is my result obtained;

Other Information;

  1. I am using windows 10
  2. Although wampserver is online, the service is not running and i cant start it

I would appreciate help from the forum. Thank You

I have never used wamp but it sounds like you might want to ask wamp forum if you don’t get a response here.

Edit: it looks like your running IIS and it’s probably attached to your port already.

Thanks Ken,

Can you suggest what you use with this import tool so i can try?

If you can help me with any of your links on this forum on this subject i would appreciate a lot

Thank You

I don’t use this tool but I would probably use IIS myself just so I could serve all my various websites projects with one service.

This forum probably won’t help you much with Web server and PHP setup and install because it’s a Samba POS forum so I can’t provide forum links simply because there aren’t any that I know of.

There are some members with more experience with WAMP that might find interest in your question but I wouldn’t wait around. Google wamp server setup see what you can find.

PS read what I said about IIS and your port likely that’s your issue it can’t start because IIS is already using that port.

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Kendash is correct. That is an error coming from IIS. I don’t use WAMP myself. I use IIS.

WAMP is “supposed to be” an easy, simple way to get Web Services with PHP up and running on Windows, which is why it is suggested. I tried WAMP a couple times throughout the years, but since IIS is built into Windows, I see no need to install WAMP, which uses Apache as it’s Web Server.

If you really want to use WAMP, you should disable/uninstall IIS. This is done via Add/Remove Programs > Windows Programs.

Here is a link to setting up IIS/PHP that I put together if you want to give that a go instead, since you already have IIS activated …

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I keep getting the following error when trying to import my csv file

PHP Warning: odbc_execute(): SQL error: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Invalid character value for cast specification, SQL state 22005 in SQLExecute in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dbops_functions.php on line 69

Any ideas what could be causing this

Looks like an invalid character for cast :slight_smile:

Well that part was obvious :smile: What characters would be classed as invalid?

I dont know you have not showed us it yet.

Edit: what version of SQL are you using?

the excel file contains over 1700 products so I don’t think anyone is going to check through that.
If i knew what characters are classed as invalid maybe I could search for them.

Is it not showing the line number where it fails?

No unfortunately that would make it a lot easier

So, no lines are being imported?

What about the query that is being executed at the time? Does it show that?

I just get the error I posted above.

Nothing gets added to the database