SambaPOS crashes when used the same action twice in a rule

Plus gift state total?
Would gift not be in total anyway?

Also isn’t there a discount and service total tag rather than specify :wink:

Little column A, little column B… :sweat_smile:

It’s too late to visualise this senario, but I’d definatly do test/think about it…
I think with the ternary switching to plain total it should be OK, but then again no, cause its then not taking the service delivery charge into account which could Put it over 12.
Pretty sure, final answer for tonight, need to include service in math…
But actually yes it is cause its plain total…
It’s too late, am going to bed lol
Ticket total minus tax, discount, and service, at least that way you know exactly where you stand hehe

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What rule event are you using?

I am sorry I told you wrong… try {PLAIN TOTAL: }