SambaPOS freezing. Error message I haven't seen before

I don’t see port 9000 in the tutorial that you linked me. Should I add it regardless?

Yes it’s for message server.

I added 1433 and 9000 and I turn my firewall on, but the terminals can’t connect to the SQL server still.

Edit: Ok I got it to work now. I didn’t follow the steps after TCP/IP and NetBios Settings
Edit2: Hmm I spoke too soon.

Are there other ports that I need to open? Like ports for the credit card terminals for OpenEdge?

Did you set your server to use the correct ports. Please share a screenshot so we can be sure

For the record port 9000 is for message server and has nothing to do with SQL server. But I know you use message server so you should open that port.

SQL Server TCP Inbound 1433
SQL Server UDP Inbound 1433

SQL Server TCP Outbound 1433
SQL Server UDP Outbound 1433

SQL Browser UDP Inbound 1434

SambaPOS Message Server TCP Inbound 9000
SambaPOS Message Server UDP Inbound 9000 (I think this one is optional)

I have noticed hat option in sql sonfigeration manager, is it piped names, also is effected by firewall. If turn firewall off it doesnt matter but if on it needs to be set.

OK, so it’s been 2 weeks and I haven’t gotten this problem again since then.
My previous setup had a router that connected to a switch, that connected to another switch, that also connected to another switch, that connected to my terminals.
Now, instead of my terminals having to travel through 3 switches, it just connects to 1 switch and everything runs smoothly.