SambaPOS V5 crashes

I have configured the CallerID successfully its working correctly but after it starts working the sambaPOS crashes about after 10 minutes and when I restart it again and enter the at next screen i saw error: COM4 not exit. My callerID modem working on COM4.

Then i again configured it from Devices and start working and then about 10 minutes crashes.

Please help.

Thank You,
Adil Ali

What version of Sambapos 5 are you on?

I’m using SambaPOS V5

Yes but what version? 5.1.?? 5.2.???

I asked what version of SambaPOS 5 are you using? Are you using the latest version? 5.2.22?

Its Sambapos 5.2.3 .

So you know what is going to be said next!! Update to latest version first.

You right! I was looking V6 :laughing:

What is the latest version? I can’t find. And do i need to download new one and install it? Or is there any option to update to latest? Thanks

New versions are released in this forum category;

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