SambaPOS5 Web Interface for Reports

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Tested with WAMP 3.2.3 x64 PHP 7.3

Make sure you have the proper MS SQL extensions for your version of php configured in php.ini

delete .htaccess, .htpassword files
edit config.php with your system’s configuration

change Portion_Id to PortionId in the following files at the line (xyz) indicated

./reportSQL/raport4.php (134)
./reportSQL/raport5.php (149)
./reportSQL/retetarNeterminat.php (123)

Once that was done I was able to run reports (I think - I can’t understand the language).

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i dont understand why he should post in ads.i really dont understand why this is called tutorial and you cant really learn anything?
i have been going true a lot these days i am new samba pos retailer and i want to learn but i dont really see how to learn…
can some one please advice me if i want to learn to use samba pos more advance where do i begin ?

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