Scroll bar at customer

Hi! I’ve created some custom fields for the customers that help me in getting the appropriate details for the customers.

However, a problem that I’m running into is that I can’t see the last few fields due to the presence of the on screen keyboard and the lack of the scroll bar. Is there any way to go about it? Screenshot is attached. There are more fields below “Street” which i can’t see at this screen.


Hi, Can you tell me how do you created those fields I need get this info from the customer too

Thanks in advance.

Entities > Entity Types > Customers > Custom Fields

I’ve added scroll bar as a quick solution and I’ve also noted a column implementation for future releases. Thank you for reporting…

Hi emre! Where have you added the scroll bar? Is it on a new version that you’ve published and uploaded?

It will be available with next version update.

Many Thanks my friend!!!