SDF to MDF Conversion


While trying to convert SDF to MDF “the migrate.sql splits into two as migrate_0.sql and migrate_1.sql”.

Why does this splits into two. Is it because of the size of the SDF too big to convert to MDF?

I believe because the SQL CE Toolbox tool has a maximum length of the migrate.sql file, so it needs to split into multiple files.

In this case, just run one after the other - so migrate.sql (if exists), then migrate_0.sql, migrate_1.sql, etc. I believe this is also mentioned in the tutorial. It will not affect the end result.



Thanks for your update…

How can we put the connection string for this if two SQL files are there?

If I remember right don’t you import those files into your new SQL database?

Ok so MDF is not used like an SDF many people get this confused. Here is the propper way to convert from sdf to SQL Express and it involves scripting the database.

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Hi Kendash,

Thanks for the update. This worked fine…