Selected Popup button Show in ticket

Yeah but as you said everyone has their own way. I personally like making it easy for the waiter to put in the order easily and fast. Then on the cooks end with some indentations and * it will also be very easy for him to read. My uncles restaurant has been running like this for over 10 years along with another restaurant near him.

I just need you guys’ help on getting popup buttons pressed to show up on tickets. I cant seem to get that working.

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Could you please show me your menu then. I am really confused because I have another pos system atm and my mindset is completely different then what your saying. Id love to chat with you, I could use your opinion.

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See new posting in Pre-Build Databases

Hey I installed your database and checked it out. I had this in mind as the only setup possible with this pos but it still doesnt fullffil my needs. I need a solution thats going to be less cluttered with buttons, for example you have a whole category devoted to EGGS just because you coulldnt take advantage of popups, If we had a popup ordertag option then all that could have been just one item 2 Eggs or 1 Egg under breakfasts and then you could have the option for meats that is clutter free.

Sorry if im coming of a bashing your setup thats not my intention just trying to discuss our way to a perfect solution with samba. I really love the program there are so many features beside this simple one with popups and a modify button.

Personally I think the popups add clutter and makes it very confusing for wait staff if customer changes mind they then have to go through popups again vs just seeing it and clicking it. Samba is designed to use screens vs popups but with clever use of ask question action, update order, and update order tags you can implement some popups.

You will not be able to modify a order tag with another order tag that is not possible you need to figure out another way to do what you are wanting to do. If you keep trying to modify an order tag with another order tag your going to get frustrated it is not designed to do that.

You have an extensive list of options to try, Menu’s, Sub Menus, Fast Menu’s, Order Tags, Prefixed Order Tags, Order Tag Grouping, Product Tags, Actions for Manipulating Order Tags, Actions for Manipulating Orders, Options for including Automation Commands into Menu Item’s. How you configure all of this to work together is endless almost. You just need to play with it and find the combination that suits you best.

You can even try things with Menu’s/Order Tags that goes against the original intent of how to use them. Example: You could reverse Prefix/Order Tag naming and get some interesting results. Try everything it might break something, it might not, it might do something you thought was not possible, but it will definitely be good exercise teaching you more in depth knowledge of Samba and how to manipulate it.


You seem to come from a different POS system then SambaPOS. Sometimes, it is hard to convince users to change because they are comfortable doing something the old way. I personally think SambaPOS has the most advanced menu creation options. I have used extensively two other commercial(paid) POS systems and they are not even close to SambaPOS in terms of flexibility and simplicity. I will agree to disagree regarding using pop-ups.

Best Regards,

Yeah sorry about that, appreciate your help with the database I learned alot from it. How practical is the swiping on the touchscreen you use. I have a elo touch screen and it works like crap to swipe on it, it would not be practical at all.

Thanks Bud!


I use Dell Inspiron One 2020. They are well built and scrolling works perfect.

If you use a 20" screen, you do not need to scroll anywhere.

If a Category is very large, change the NumberPad to small for that Category or change button height and wide.

No I have like triple the amount of order tags then you. I need to do alot of scrolling with ordertags

Can you share a screenshot of your order tags… we may be able to reduce those with Sub Menu’s your probably using order tags for things when you can be using Sub Menu Or Order Tag Grouping

Order Tag grouping is Wonderful when you have a lot of order tags.

Grouping works by taking a large list of order tags and making it a toggle that cycles them instead of listing them all.