Send Email error

The way it should be is wp ended rule has the save report action as you have.
The command name in the save action would trigger the send rule.
I dont think having the date like that in send will work as time may/will have moved on since report saved hence the command value field, so using command value in the file name field will carry the value/timestamp forward to the sending rule.

I may be wrong but I think the command fields in save report were added to replace the need for a delay action, ie command is triggered after report saved.

i see thankyou for pinpointing this sir, what am should i write on command name ,or should it be left blank

so you are suggesting that the delay action shouldn’t be featured thought the purpose for the delay action was to stop command rule from firing before the report has been completely been saved

THe reason there is a command name and command value in the save report to file action is so it makes sure the file is saved first before it executes the command. You do not need another Execute Autoation Command action.

You also need to remove the command and value from the Send Email action. Slow down and think about your logic. You told it to send email, then that action told it to send email, then that action told it to send email and so its an endless loop of sending email.

Thankyou all for kind response, I have removed the command name and command values ,i will wait when we close the work shift and observe .

This is where i had borrowed my inspiration from

Correct that is how you should do it. But you added the command 3x
You had it in send email, in that one and in another execute automation command action. When you only needed it in the save to file action.

Jus asking whether its possible to save the file in a google drive folder,then share the folders with others business partners uch that everytime the workperiod is closed reports can be accessed on google drive

Yes you can save to cloud drives. Soon we will release Metrik v2 and it will let anyone with access ability to see any custom report.

i presume this can be achieved by same action ie save report to a file and work period ended rule but how will you determine the pathe where the report should be stored, i want to try this

For cloud drives you have to get the app on the computer to create the local folder to save it too.

Here is the link for the application.
Download - Google Drive

You download Drive for desktop it will setup a local folder for syncing to Drive. You save report into that local folder.

I personally use One Drive since its already in Windows 10/11 typically. But you can install the app for any cloud provider.

Thankyou, now i understand

am not sure whether am damn or whether the latest version supports Email being sent after work periods ends ,i have struggled with sending emails for some few days now ,whenever am close to achieving it i get continuous emails being sent a million times .Something that JTRTech called command loop.
Kindly am asking for someone to share how he has done this ,seem like what shared above doesn’t work fine with me .
You can also ihelp me to understand how i can save the reports on google drive as the next option.
Have already downloaded the google drive in my desktop,now how do i direct the system to save the work period report on the drive

You have to show us what you have done. We can’t see your mistakes. Or you can seek paid remote help.

here is what i have done

If you have changed values in an action that was already in use in a rule remove from rule, save and add back as rules generally cache action config.

perfect sir ,all along i have been missing this

in regards to above topic, I need to know how to file a Delay Email action,my database have grown tremendously , My thought would be to include the delay email on Send email rule

In the save report action there is an option for ACM. It will wait for the file to finish saving before exeuting that. That is all you need.