[SOLVED] Help for the tutorial GC Sales & Redemption

Please check someone because i’m going crazy …
thank you all for the help by the way …

It looks like you have white-space here - can you check that to confirm?

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no space … CONFIRMED :smiley:

Show the following (Manage > Accounts):

Document Type: GC Purchase Doc
Transaction Type: GC Credit Transaction

The Account Types used in GC Credit Transaction.
The Accounts used in GC Credit Transaction.

I have translate several things in my language is there any chance fails something from the translate ?

Your Transaction Type is incorrect…

So we can assume your Account for GC Funds is also incorrect…

these are the instructions

and where you show me in my SambaPos i cant see Transfer Accounts ???

sorry but i am a little confused …

Ok, fair enough.

Please give me some time to look that over and make some additions/corrections…

I must have modified my setup long after that Tutorial was made.

I will post back here will modifications if need be, but I need to go to supper now. :wink:

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take all the time you want …

thank you for your help :smile:

I find it odd that the Tutorial shows the GC Account as a Payment Account Type, since I cannot find in any DB backup where that was the case. Anyway…

##Transfer Accounts [Default] (Account Type)##

Name: Transfer Accounts
Filter Type: All
Rule: Default

##Transfers [Transfer Accounts] (Account)##

Name: Transfers
Type: Transfer Accounts

##GC Funds [Transfer Accounts] (Account)##

Name: GC Funds
Type: Transfer Accounts

##GC Credit Transaction (Transaction Type)##
[GC Accounts -> Transfer Accounts]

Name: GC Credit Transaction
Source Account Type: GC Accounts
Target Account Type: Transfer Accounts
Default Source Account:
Default Target Account: GC Funds

Good Morning

Started once again from scratch, delete everything and pay extra attension
Unfortunately nothing changed, still can’t pay with GC and print GC …

I install SambaPos 5 brand new installation, nothing chaned, nothing translated, same problem, can’t use GC for paying and can’t print GC Ticket …
I’m trying to figure out where the problem is … still nothing …

Did you create the elements that I showed?

Are Accounts being created? If so, do they still have zero-balance?

i hope you are well :smile:

I can Create Accounts and the have balance but i canot use that balance, i mean i cant use it for pay …

and the one is drive me crazy is why the printer always print Ticket Template and noT thE GC template !!!

The GCBalance field in the GC Entity is not a real Balance. Check the GC Account Balances. If they are zero (shown as a dash -), then they cannot be used to pay, because the Transaction Type is set to Credit (which is what we want, so don’t change that).

You are right they are empty :frowning

that’s weird i have no accounts !!!

So we are back to the same thing. The GC Account balances are not being updated when the GC is created. This is done in the Rule named GC Purchased & Printed, specifically, this Action:

Again, we need to look at:

Document Type: GC Purchase Doc
Transaction Type: GC Credit Transaction

The Account Types used in GC Credit Transaction.
The Accounts used in GC Credit Transaction.