Specific menu for my staff with prices


Can I have a specific menu with products for my staff with a 100 % discount? next to my general restaurant menu!

i don’t need to have 0( 0 prices for staff meal order tag ) since I need to collect my discounts.

You could or you could just setup a staff discount button with admin pin, so when pressed it discounts 100%. That would be easier than creating and updating another menu

Hello Rick
not all the items are available for staff, specific items on 100% discount.
What I am using now is the order tag if it is staff meals or not, IF yes the price of the item goes to 0 - Zero. is there another solution? since I need to see discounts in my reports and not 0 price , got my point ?

I would do a fixed ticket calculation based on Entity selected (Staff account) & product tags. Ticket Calculations are much easier to report and work with

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Yes and if you please send me the steps needed to carry on.

Thank you

heres a setup I did