Sql.Query API and quotes inline SELECT statement

@QMcKay I changed how .First() works so it won’t throw an exception.

I prefer to have an exception in that case but when thought how it will be used in scripts not throwing it makes more sense.


Now you see @Jesse, Q is really on the ball! My syntax above probably did work BUT the key was in testing I was changing the Product Name to something that did not exist and therefore returned an Error message.

The message was fooling me to believe it was the Parser breaking :scream: I did note that behaviour but since I was “in so deep” just could not see it…

I was facing 2 errors producing the same message :persevere: … I was so close!


Just before we complete this @emre and I not sure if I should start a new thread?

Is there a way we can use alert(something) so show break points in the script when debugging a script?

I am finding when I use return “something” it obviously stops processing so I need to move the line all around the place manually to see how the code is running.

I think it would be cool to have that feature but your basically asking to turn it into a developer tool :stuck_out_tongue: Its good request I just find it kind of funny. If only we could get the other people to contribute like this…

It would be refreshing to see more people asking these type questions instead of the basic silly things. I need to just stop responding to some of those but then the helper in me wants to help people just some days it gets under my skin more than others. Today was one of them :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes fully understand what you are saying! - Human nature is a contradiction, survival and adaption was based around (and still is) taking more than what is given back…

(pauln 31/03/2016)

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Yes you can use Alert(). Hmmm… I was sure we could use that… thought I had used it before.

No worries, we have dlg.ShowMessage() helper …


Awesome idea Q I forgot about that helper.

Oh that’s is going to save some time!
Don’t know where you guys dig this stuff up from but just “Gold” Jerry…

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Well we are involved in almost every feature discussed lol. Its hard to find posts without our name in them hahaha.

generally when u deal with apostrophe
u replace the the single quote(’)
with (’’).

More about…handling single quotes
