Stop negative stock!?

Hi there,

I’m trying to use SambaPOS in my Shop.

There is a problem with STOCK. I want to stop selling something wich I don’t have in my stock.

Is there any option to disable negative stock?

Thank you!

I am not sure I understand what you mean by

Wouldn’t you just not sell it?

You can also void an item on a ticket that you realize you do not have.

@aRTx we discussed it before with team and we thought the real need is something different. You’ll notice cases where stock level becomes negative because of a missing purchase.

We’re planning a portion based tracking system. You’ll enter portion counts manually and when we sell that much potions buttons becomes disabled. This is more useful to track items that produced daily and have a limited count. For example you’ll be able to configure Soup button to work 100 times in a work period. This will have no relation with inventory or cost system but it will decrease inventory as configured.

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Ah sorry @aRTx I guess I was one minded on that one. I didn’t think about portions and missing purchases. That sounds great @emre