Switch between users

I have tried blanking the user setting with a rule of when entity table is set update system setting to " (blank) but it doesnt see to work.

Let me explain when i mean.
At the moment with this method if a bill is started, user switched, then back to the first bill which needs to go onto a table this bill will keep being opened everytime that user logs in untill it is cashed off.

  1. User A logs in and rings few things in while pouring the tables drinks,
  2. User B jumps on the till while User A is pouring drinks, switches and does a round at the bar.
  3. User A returns to till, logs in for the started tab to open. rings in a couple more drinks then allocated to entity ‘Table 1’ then logs out.

Other users are unafected.
If User A logs back in it reopens the table ticket ‘Table 1’ - presumably as the System Setting has a record of that ticket ID against their user name.
This ticket continues to load everytime the user logs in untill ‘Table 1’ is either paid and cashed off or voided and closed.

Does that make sence?

What I think needs to hapen - and which ive tried but cant get it to work is;
on step 3 when the entity ‘Table 1’ is set the System Setting of the ticket ID needs to be cleared so next time that user logs in they go to a fresh ticket/to open an entity.

yea i understand now, i had the same issue when staff entity assigned then if i wanted to load a customer entity the staff entity would remain and if messed up other rules. You need to add a rule that when the table entity is added the staff entity is removed

@Jesse helped me solve that, but i cant remember if it fully solved my issue, i changed the way my other features worked so i didnt need to remove the staff entity in the end

i think you need 2 rules

  1. to add table entity
  2. to remove staff entity when table entity is added

im not sure on the actions though to remove the staff entity

Ok, shouldn’t be a problem. Give me a few to test it out and I’ll post it here…

Change this Rule to add the Action twice, and use Action Constraints …

SU Update Program Setting (1):
Constraint: '{ENTITY NAME:Tables}' != ''
SettingName: {USER NAME}
SettingValue: (blank)

SU Update Program Setting (2):
Constraint: '{ENTITY NAME:Tables}' == ''
SettingName: {USER NAME}
SettingValue: [:TicketId]

The staff entities issue wasnt what what causes the issue.
I have already taken out the staff entities bit and changed to a tag (Unalocated: [:CURENTUSER]) following your replay as this resolves the issue of remembering to setup a new staff entity if new staff start as is an open ended tag which allows the tickeck to be closed is a table entity has not been set.
I have already worked out the actions & rules to remove this ‘unallocated: username’ tag when a entity is selected.

The issue I cannot work out is that once a bill is set to a table entity and closed, when that user logs back in they are taken back to that ticket (already set to a table entity) which if you use autologout means that user cannot do anything other than view that bill as ‘close’ logsout.

What I need to work out is how to clear the entry in the ‘update program setting’ funtion wher the ticket id is put against the user id as curently untill the bill is cashed off or voided the entry for that user remains as that ticket so the ‘open held bill’ rule reopens the opigional ticket now allocated to the table entity.

Does that make sence?

It sounds like it needs a constraint…I’m thinking a constraint if Table Entity assigned.

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Try what I mentioned above, if you’re using the posted setup. It should work if you setup is similar… look up a few posts.

To add an Action twice, Right-click on the Action Chooser and click Display All Values.

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Thanks, I will try this tonight.
Can I ask if you could define the meaning of != and == so I can grasp a better understanding rather than just putting it in and not learning?
I presume by the associated values != would be table selected and == no table selected?

These are (in)equality operators:

!= not equal
== equal

Examining the first Action:

SU Update Program Setting (1):
Constraint: '{ENTITY NAME:Tables}' != ''
SettingName: {USER NAME}
SettingValue: (blank)

We look for the existence of a Table Entity assigned to the Ticket ('{ENTITY NAME:Tables}'), and if it is not equal (!=) to blank (''), then fire this action. So if it has a value, then we fire this action to effectively blank out the Ticket Id for the User.

Examining the second Action:

SU Update Program Setting (2):
Constraint: '{ENTITY NAME:Tables}' == ''
SettingName: {USER NAME}
SettingValue: [:TicketId]

We look for the existence of a Table Entity assigned to the Ticket ('{ENTITY NAME:Tables}'), and if it is equal (==) to blank (''), then fire this action. So if it does not have a value, then we fire this action, which sets the Ticket Id for the User.

That did the trick!!
Thank you very much.

Unfortunately I can see a potential loophole,
If in a busy bar a user accidentally logs in on second till before the other is loged out, slim chance but trying to make system fool proof.
Or posibly for ease of access they start the ticket on one till start pouring drinks (doesnt logout) then more drinks are ordered which are located next to another till (more likely) ideally i would like to prevent seccond login or make the other till autologout.
Do you know a way to only allow a user to be logged in once or autologout on the other till is loggin in on another machine?

I don’t have multiple Terminals, so I can’t really study the behavior of this scenario. Short of setting up a test environment, I can’t really comment.

That said, I don’t see any reason that your scenario and workflow couldn’t be made to work. The Automation system in SambaPOS is extremely powerful, and allows you to really take control of your particular way of operating.

Someone with experience with multiple Terminals should be able to chime in on this.

Thanks for your reply,
Is there much documentation regarding the {xxxx} [:xxxxx] functions?
If I could get my head round these I think I might be able to work it all out but at the moment am only able to blindly copy yours and others posts as dont completely understand the workings with these special functions yet.

LOL, yes that can be confusing.

{THIS:Is A:PrinterTag} {SOIS:This}
{SETTING:ProgramVariable} a special Tag referring to a Program Setting that you can read and set

Have set this up the same exc to use tags rather than entities as in @RickH post.
Problem I have (not sure if its just something ive done) is that the open hold ticket rule allows user login to POS screen while no work period is open?
Any Ideas?
Perhaps a constraint of work period active?

Have found a possible solution should someone else end up with the same issue.

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I wondered if you might be able to advise.
Have just implemented my kitchen printer and actually using it has brought up a small snag.
Having setup switch users settings with default config elsewhere the ‘layaway’/hold of an ‘open’ ticket without an entity (using tag ‘Unassigned: {USERNAME}’ to allow logoff) would fire the products ordered so far to kitchen printer which could be half the order.
While it probably wouldnt happen often ie - food order being layed away or logged off half way though ringing in.
Anyway I thought I would try and adjust the close ticket rule to not change orders to submitted while the ticket is tagged with Unassigned tag by setting constraint of TICKETTAG:Unassigned is NULL, which kinda works as the tag is removed once the ticket is paid or put to an entity.
HOWEVER this has led to a different issue that although the order lines stay marked as new while ‘layed away’ they seem to still be being ‘locked’ and red like when submitted.
Which then leaves it in limo in regards to cancel/void as void is grayed out and cancel doesnt work - presumably as its locked.
The aim would be to make it so that is the ticket it layed away it remains completly as new and unlocked untill it is finalised and removed from the user ticket hold setup
BUT I cannot find the rule anywhere which is locking the orders.
Any ideas?
Have tried adding an update order action to the ‘open held ticket’ rule which looks up the program setting of the ticket id logged for that user but this doesn’t seem to work.

The behavior your seeing is because no ticket is actually made until its closed. Once closed it creates and logs the ticket. You will not be able to keep orders as they are when you first enter them but you can use states to manipulate them or use pre order tickets.


Not sure that what you’re asking to do is possible.

While your thoughts about suppressing the Order State change to keep it “New” is the correct direction, I don’t think we can achieve keeping the Order “unlocked”. A Ticket is created when it is closed. At that time, the Orders and the Ticket are written to the DB. Because of this, they cannot be changed - that is, you cannot alter the Quantity nor should you be able to Cancel the Order. Instead you must Void it.

I tried marking a Ticket as Pre-Order, but this does not suffice. The Pre-Order option was designed so that you could close a WorkPeriod without paying the Ticket. But it does not relate to Order States, nor Ticket or Order locking behavior.

The buttons for Cancel and Void only become Enabled/Visible with certain States. You can check for those States under the Automation Command Mapping. For example, the Void button is only enabled for:


Since you suppressed the Order State change so that it never becomes Submitted, the Void button will not become Enabled. Unless you change the mapping to the following (which I do not recommend):

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Thanks, that makes sence, will go about it a different way.
As I have the current close ticket rule to be constrained to if unassigned tag is null

If I add a new close ticket rule constrained to in unassigned in not null
set action order status ‘New’ to ‘Held’

And in the current close ticket rule (unassigned is null)
add update order status to change ‘Held’ to ‘Submitted’ allong side the existing ‘New’ to ‘Submitted’ to catch all orders and at that point send to kitchen etc?

How does that sound to you?
Would I need to do anything with ticket status in the new unassigned ISNOT NULL rule?

Personally, I would not mess with the default Order or Ticket States. Both of the States are of the Order Group called Status. There should be no reason to alter their flow - by default they are set up in such a way so the POS operates properly in a standard manner.

Instead, create a new Order State and use it for your manipulation and state flow. Call it HoldStatus or similar, and create 2 States for Held and NotHeld or similar. Then set and test for the HoldStatus State value in your flows in your Rules.

So when it comes to Printing, or other actions, you can modify the affected Rules to look for this new State in addition to, or in replacement of, any States that currently constrain them.