Tax and Tax Exempt for SambaPOS 4


I am new to SambaPOS 4 and am having a hard time configuring the proper 8.1% (Las Vegas, NV, USA) Sales Tax included onto the check. The only tutorial I have found is for an earlier version (SambaPOS 3). Is there another tutorial available for my version?

Also, We have many customers in our extablishment who are Tax Exempt. Is there a way to create a button for these situations?

Thanks for any help! Let me know if there is any information I should clarify.

Huntridge Soda Fountain


I was able to set up proper tax to be included on ticket for SambaPOS 4, but am still having problems finding a tutorial on creating a tax exempt button.

We have many organizations who frequent our diner who are tax exempt. Is there a way to take Taxes of their ticket?

Any help is very much appreciated. Thank you!

Huntridge Soda Fountain

I know @na1978 has done this. But it is part of a Pre-built DB… there is no Tutorial on how to set it up manually, nor how it functions, other than it is implemented through a button. Maybe he will see this post, and chime in.

Ok, I looked into it, and this would be my approach.

Create a new Ticket Type in Tickets > Ticket Types. You can right-click your current Ticket and select Clone Ticket Type, then supply a name for the clone (i.e. Tax-Exempt Ticket).

Go to Products > Tax Templates > [TaxName] > Mappings and set all your Taxable Products to use only your original Ticket Type.

Create an Action of the type Change Ticket Properties, and set the Ticket Type parameter to your new Tax-Exempt Ticket Type.

Clone the Action you just made, but this time, set the Ticket Type parameter to your original Ticket Type.

Create an Automation Command button to control the Ticket Type.

Create a Rule to handle the Automation Command for switching to Tax-Exempt.

Clone the Rule and change it to handle the Automation Command for switching to Taxable.

That is all. This creates a button that will Toggle back and forth between Ticket Types, and should remove or apply the Tax.

So I followed your instructions but for some reason when I use the tax exempt button and then print the receipt to take it to the costumer, when I reopen the table, all the items are gone. I can’t close the ticket unless I go to tickets and open it there, from here the items are back and I can close the ticket then.
Any help would be appreciated.
thank you


Thank you @QMcKay. I followed your steps and everything seems to be working well so far.

I see what you are saying. I hadn’t tested this since it is not something I use. It is showing a blank Ticket because it is opening the default Ticket Type for the Table, yet you have set the Type to Tax Exempt.

However, I am sure there is a solution for you - my example shows just one way to accomplish something.

Perhaps another user can chime in with some other ideas, or a work-around to this issue.

Another way to handle this is with the Update Order Action. It allows you to specify the Tax Template. For Tax-exempt, you would specify an non-existant Tax Template, and the Tax will be removed.

The tricky part can be to toggle the Tax back on. If you only have 1 Tax Template, this is easy. You would use the Same Action, but in this case, specify an existing Tax Template.

However, if you have multiple Tax Templates, it makes things much more difficult to track in order to toggle the proper Tax Rate back onto the Order. I cannot get into the complexities of the scenario at this time - suffice it to say, you will need to look at Product Tags and/or Groups.

@emre, is there a way to retrieve the Tax Template in use for a Product when the Order is added to the Ticket?


Edit : Hmm no. That retrieves order’s tax templates. Not product’s.

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Yes, that would probably work for this scenario - my prior post shows the issue with toggling Tax on an Order. Unless you see a better way to handle it. Even so, it could prove useful :wink:

Your solution is fine. Executing Change Ticket Type with current ticket type will probably refresh tax rates to default.

The problem with using the Ticket Type switching has to do with Entity Screens.

Add some Orders, then switch the Ticket to Tax-exempt Type, select a Table, then Close the Ticket.

Now click Select Table, and choose the Orange Table… the Ticket comes up blank - I assume this is because it is pulling up the Taxable Ticket Type by default, since the Entity Screen configuration dictates this.

Yes this is the expected behavior. I meant to restore tax templates back by setting ticket type to itself. eg. Ticket > Ticket.

Ok, that is what I thought.

I’m not following you. When we select the Table containing a Tax Exempt Ticket Type, how are we to know what Ticket Type to restore to? We don’t want to restore a Tax Exempt Ticket to Taxable just because we opened the Ticket via the Entity. This is the problem. How do we open the Tax Exempt Ticket Type when we select the Table Entity instead of the default operation where it creates a new Ticket of the regular Type?

P.S. This all works fine with a Ticket Lister Widget - the proper Ticket Type is pulled up, but that negates the use of a Table screen altogether.

At the end of the day, it seems to me that switching Ticket Types is not the best way to go for this scenario, that is why I chose to change the solution to Update Order Action where we can set the Tax Template. If we can get a way to read the Product/Order Tax Template, then this would be a simple setup.

@emre, is there a way to retrieve the Tax Template in use for a Product when the Order is added to the Ticket?

Lol I’m still on that question. I thought you need that feature to restore tax templates so my suggestion relates with your second method.

However, if you have multiple Tax Templates, it makes things much more
difficult to track in order to toggle the proper Tax Rate back onto the

I think this would work… I mean, the Tax Template is tied to the Product, but the Order Line in this case is the same thing, is it not? I got the idea of using Update Order Action to switch the Tax Template Off, and back on again from one of your past postings. It works well if you only have 1 Tax Template, but 2 or more Taxes and it becomes very difficult to track. If we could tell what the original Template is for the Order Line / Product, we could use 2+ Update Order Actions based on the original Template name.

EDIT: Hmm… I think I understand what you’re saying. That Tag would apply to the Order, not the Product. Maybe something to retrieve the Product Tax Template is needed. For example:




Thanks for the suggestions. I will try to implement this tonight.

Man you guys are just great, that was very simple.
I have another question but its not about taxes so I’m going to post it somewhere else.
thanks a ton