Ticket no range in work period report

hellow i will like to know how to see a ticket no. range used in a work period. example i my work period started in ticket no. 1 and ended in the ticket no. 200 i will like to see that info in the workperiod report

Check the list of report expressions, I’m sure first and last ticket expressions were added a while back.

Check this, its not a report but lists all the tickets in ID order. It also gives the ticket details for that work period

Check the comments too cos there is some corrections made by other forum members

hellow, @GreatShakesBar i dont bealieve that that is what im looking for, i “just” need to see the ticket range that where used in a word period BUT not the whole list example: just starting ticket 1 and ending ticket 40.

cant find it :frowning:

I’m sure there was a first and last ticket expression added at some point…

Yep you can see my post here, the expressions are already on the printer tags. This linkalso shows part of my report where they are used

