Ticket Number skip but Ticket ID is not what would cause this

Dont think you will need to use SQL, should be able to do that with reporting expressions…
Take a look at the custom reports tutorial…

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hellow i have a problem with the value, i want this value to allign with my actual number… if i put 1 the tag starts in 1 and if i put my
actual number 00228 the first ticket starts good but the second ticket it assign the 456 its adding the tag in 228+228+228, my question is how can i make the number to be consecituve with my actual number please.

i dont know if the word for this is consecutive or allign but, im actually in my 00228 ticket number and i want this method to starts in that number and from then that sums +1

This is the rule handling the sequential increment;


Show a screen shot of you implementation for this rule…

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but…how i telll the rule to START from certain number…

You can view program settings in the DB with MSSQL Manager.
Your rule has plus 1 so first run will be 0+1 so 1.
What do you want to start at?

i want to start at 294

Easiest way would be to manual update the program settings field via SQL Manager to 293 (you’ll want to run that rule at least once a dlet samba create the table row - it could be done manually but I’d let samba create it)