Tickets search option won't disappear

so every time i re-enter in tickets menu there keeps popping up a previous search which is annoying when you search a something in a previous tickets as when you enter a ticket and want to check another ticket the previous search pops up again so you lose lots of time if you need to check multiple tickets. i also updated sambapos to latest version to see if this solves the issue but no luck. also did other searches to see if that would change it but it keeps popping up the same search

here is a gif of me entering the tickets menu in the bottom you can see the previous search that keeps coming back (france rabia).

this is a picture to show the search bar that keeps returning

Clear that filter then logout and shutdown sambapos then start it and log back in.

i already tried that and didn’t work but gonna try with all other system turned off to maybe that is interfering with it will let you know in a sec

so i tried it with al other terminals logged out but no luck i also discoverd its only on 1terminal the other 3terminals don’t have this issue

additional info the problem is due to the customer tabs search filter that keeps opening when entering in the tickets menu