V5.50 connection error

I’ve just installed v5.5 getting ready for the new mobile version that is coming soon. My tablet now refuses to cooperate giving the message " message server connection error " I haven’t changed anything as far as I know. Any ideas?

Are you using Android Mobile Client ?

When you upgrade SambaPOS to 5.5.0 version the SambaPOS Messaging Server stops working automatically.

To check the Message Server right click on SambaPOS logo which can be found on the desktop of main computer,

click on Open File Location, in the windows find Samba.MessagingServerServiceTool64 file and double click on it.

If it’s not installed then install it and click on Start button, if it’s already installed then just click on Start button.

That worked brilliantly, thank you. When I open samba on the tablet it says licence not found, any thoughts?

In case you send Anydesk Remote Connection Program Id to support@sambapos.com email address, we can connect to your system and check the situation out.

We connected to your system and applied the necessary changes.

Now you can continue using the SambaPOS Mobile Client App.

Have a nice day.