✌ V5 Feature Compilation


{RANDOM:L:C} tag accepts characters used to generate random strings


<length> : Length of generated string. Default 8.
<chars>  : Characters used to generate string. Default ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWZYZ123456789

Invalid <img> tags will not crash SambaPOS. It will display an error message inside content.

Warning displayed if rule constraint has unmatching parenthesis structure. (eg [:Variable} )

Automation command’s Image setting moved to Navigation page and used to define background images for Tiles.

Button heights automatically calculated when Menu Item Button Height set as 0. Buttons will fully expand to available size.

Browser Printer - new Add-on Module

The Browser Printer can be used to display printing content in Internet Explorer which will be useful for building Customer Display Screens. After enabling the Add-on Module we can set a printer type as Custom Printer > Browser Printer.

  • Enable Custom Printers module.
  • Restart SambaPOS.
  • Create a new printer.
  • Set printer type as Custom Printer.
  • Edit settings and enter a file name where SambaPOS can write. If left empty [Documents]\SambaPOS5\CustomerDisplay.html will be used.
  • Enable kiosk mode in Internet Explorer if you want full screen display.
  • Setup a printer template.
  • Setup a print job and map printer and template.

Now you can use Execute Print Job action to send data to Browser Window. This printer will not process any printer template formatting tags such as <J>, <L>. Instead, use html tags to format your output.

Use this on top of the HTML template if IE blocks page content.

<!doctype html>
<!-- saved from url=(0014)about:internet -->

On future versions we plan to have +2 monitor support for a specific device we have. For now only secondary monitor is supported.