VF customer dispaly Issue / Error Messege

Hi guys, I have been trying to get my built in customer display screen to work, I have followed all the tutorials in kb, after finishing the data input I found an information message pop-up as per attached screen shot.
I have double and triple checked all my printers, print jobs,print templates,Automation action and rules ( i can screen shot all these pages if necessary).
My VF Display is on COM6 and in the printer devices i have named it VF Screen.

Can anyone help with this issue?
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What’s the model of the customer display screen?

Show pictures of your Printer Settings (Main Menu > Settings > Printing > Printers > VF Screen).

Are you sure you can’t just extend to it? Does it show up in windows display settings?

Please see attached screen shots.

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The attached settings are all according to tutorials in Kb unless I have made a mistake.

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I realize the above are a lot to sort through, I have been trying to find an answer in the information provided by the website and forum, unfortunately nothing can be found to help me out of this problem.

thanks to anyone who can point me in the right direction.

Change the fields to the following:


I tried this, no success.

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Press the Windows Key > Type “Device Manager” > Select “Device Manager” > Expand “Ports (COM & LPT)”

What is under “Ports (COM & LPT)”?

Please see the attached screen shot of the Device Manager with COM ports and LPT ports.
I took the POS to an expert and confirmed the port COM6 to be the VF Display screen, he even tested it and sent a test message to the screen.

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I dont understand what you mean exactly, the VF display screen is in devices under printers and scanners. I have taken the POS to an expert who found the VF display in port COM6. he tested and sent a test message to the screen, which worked fine.

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Windows is stupid when it comes to COM ports. Sometimes, it makes 2 different devices use the same COM port. So, something else might be using COM6.

Try to make the VF Printer use another COM port and then change the SambaPOS configuration accordingly.

Do you feel that this is a windows problem? its not my configuration of the SambaPos software.

Yes, I remember I had a very hard time when I tried to configure pole displays a long time ago. And sometimes, Windows would randomly decide to change the COM port for my pole display and I would have to check which COM port it changed to and change my Samba settings.

Now, I just use a regular computer monitor for customer display.

I will try to work on solving the issue in windows, I will give you feedback if I reach a conclusion.
thanks for your help.

By the way my display screen is Partner Tech’s CD-7220-I VF series.

I took the POS to an expert and had it completely tested, even tried it with other software similar to SambaPos, and it worked without giving the information message, the customer display refuses to work with the SambaPos software, I’m completely stuck with this issue.
My POS is made by Partner tech, which is a decent widely used POS system.
Please any ideas??

Open an elevated command prompt and type the command

echo testing123>COM6

If you see testing123 on the display then it should work in sambapos if not then you need to configure it again.

Please see attached photos, I followed your instructions exactly and all seems ok with windows. When you say you need to configure it again, do you mean Sambapos?
I have posted all my pages of sambapos configuration above.

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Thanks for your help.

The below message pops-up when I log in to sambapos (after I enter pass code), whenever I click items on menu, when I click Settle and Close.

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I found the glitch everyone…
On printers setup page the printer type needs to be set to “ESC/POS Emulated Printer” instead of as suggested in kb “Port Printer”, very simple yet troublesome issue.

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