Voucher Button 20% Discount up to $25

Hi All,
I am trying create a discount button, 20% Discount up to $25.
I tried few topics but no luck. if anyone can help me on this.

What i want to achieve is
20% discount for up $125 ticket value
above $125 ticket value discount remain same $25

Any step by step guidance will be really appreciated.

Hi Pronay,

Welcome to the community!

Sorry for the delay responding to you question. It appears that the default discount max amount does not work for rate values. It work for Fixed Amount values.

We will have to manually create the discount and set the limits.

Here is how it should work on your end:

Step 1 - Create Voucher Discount Account

Go to Manage → Accounts → Accounts → Add Account

Template Name: Voucher Discount
Account Type: Discount Account
Button Header: Voucher\rDiscount *
Currency: (blank)


Step 2 - New Account Transaction Type

Manage → Accounts → Transaction Type → Add Account
Transaction Type

Account Transaction Type Name: Voucher Discount Transaction
Source Account Type (debit): Receivable Accounts
Target Account Type (credit) Discount Accounts
Default Source Account: Receivables
Default TargetAccount Voucher Discount
Currency: (blank)


Step 3 - Create New Calculation Type

Manage → Tickets → Calculation Types → Add Calculation Type

Template Name: Voucher Discount
Account Transaction Type: Voucher Discount Transaction
Calculation Method: Fixed amount
Rate or Amount: 0.00
Max Amount: 0.00
Rounding: 0.00
Include Tax: unchecked
Decrease Amount checked
Use Plain Sum: unchecked
Toggle Calculation: unchecked


Step 4 - Create Automation Command Button

Manage ->Automation → Automation Commands → New

Name: Voucher Discount
Category: (blank)
Button Header: Voucher\rDiscount *
Color: (Default)
Font Size: 26
Confirmation: None
Execute Once checked
Clear Selection: checked
Toggle Values: Unchecked
Ask text Input: Unchecked
Ask Numeric Input: Unchecked
Values* (blank)

Mappings All Asterisks, last column Payments


Step 5 - Action

Manage ->Automation → Actions → New

Action Name: Update Voucher Discount
Action Type: Update Ticket Calculation
Calculation Type: Discount
Amount: [:Discount Amount]
Reset Ticket: (blank)
Remove Calculation: (blank)
Round Amount: (blank)


Step 6 - Rules (3)

Manage - Automation → Rules → New

Rule 1 of 3 - Voucher Discount Add Less $125

Rule Name: Voucher Discount Add Less $125
Event Name: Automation Command Execute
Execute Rule If: Matches
Custom Constraints
Automation Command Name Equals Voucher Discount
{TICKET DETAILS:CA.Discount} Equals 0.00
Update Voucher Discount
Constraint (blank)
Discount Amount [=F(TN('{TICKET TOTAL}')*.20,'0.00')]
Display Payment Screen
Constraint (blank)


Rule 2 of 3 - Voucher Discount Add Greater $124.99

Rule Name: Voucher Discount Add Greater $124.99
Event Name: Automation Command Execute
Execute Rule If: Matches
Custom Constraints
Automation Command Name Equals Voucher Discount
{TICKET TOTAL} Greater 124.99
{TICKET DETAILS:CA.Discount} Equals 0.00
Update Voucher Discount
Constraint (blank)
Discount Amount 25.00
Display Payment Screen
Constraint (blank)


Rule 3 of 3 - Voucher Discount - Remove Discount

Rule Name: Voucher Discount - Remove Discount
Event Name: Automation Command Execute
Execute Rule If: Matches
Custom Constraints
Automation Command Name Equals Voucher Discount
{TICKET DETAILS:CA.Discount} Equals 0.00
Update Voucher Discount
Constraint (blank)
Discount Amount (blank)
Display Payment Screen
Constraint (blank)


If you need to change the discount amount percent, you will have to change the rule, named Voucher Discount Add Less $125, .20 in the equation [=F(TN('{TICKET TOTAL}')*.20,'0.00')].

If you want to change the limit you will have to adjust the rule constraints in the 2 rules that apply the discounts.