Wastage record as sale in work period

just i want this wastage to minus from inventory nothing more than that and this should record in inventory report this is what i am looking for nothing to do with work period report

Ok then this is not the setup for you. Why not just use end of day report? End of day is where you make inventory adjustments.

let me check tutorial for end of day report

Its not a tutorial… its a feature. Settings > Inventory > End of Day

but how i will do wastage in this

You enter your current inventory and it will adjust your inventory for you. You said you just want it to take out of inventory? Do you want to record wastage or do you just want it to take out of inventory?

ther should be record what has gone wastage

Ok so you really do want to record wastage dollars.

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Is it a really busy restaurant? Are you going to record every single item when it happens? How on earth would you know?

You just want an estimate like end of day and it shows what % of item was wasted?

Do you want it to show dollar amount wasted?

You can customize work period report to not show the wastage sales and only show what items were sold as wastage. That would make the setup you originally asked about work for you.

exactly i want is the inventory item which get expire that i will throw in wastage so this will minus from inventory and it will record a report what items i did wastage

Ok so use the tutorial you first tried and customize your work period report to not show wastage sales account.

My wastage setup sounds more like what you want, I prettymuch duplicated gift flow but called it wastage and prompted for a reason. Inventory/item sales go down but sales value is 0.

can you share me your tutorial MR JTR

lol i think it work for me gift

Sorry, as Ive said before am not spending my time to sort tutorial for something not overly complex that a reseller should be able to do from what has already been said.

ya i got i am checking that i think ur idea will work for me thank u very much JTR

hi i have clone gift option and name to wastage but it is showing as order on kitchen display and i dont want this to be on kitchen display

Cause you need to define an order section template specific for that state.
Look at normal ticket template and how void order format just has a line of --comment text, no tags for content.
You need to do similar for wastage gstatus orders on kitchen print template.