What does [:NextCommandValue] do?

Have woundered for a while, whats the use for [:NextCommandValue]?
Cant find any mention of it in the forum.

I does pretty much what it said it take the next value.
For ex. you have automation command and have list of value in Value box let say…

Set Seat
Seat 1
Seat 2
Seat 3

At first button will display 1st value (Set Seat in this Case), when you click the button, next value will be Seat 1 and command value will be Set Seat (button show Seat 1). Click again next value will be Seat 2 and command value will be Seat 1 (button caption show Seat 2).

It depend on how want to make sense of the button caption.


Thanks, it allows that first value as a pre selected header, fair enough. Nice.