What will be the best way to offer a free Item off a main meal purchase

I seem to be using allot of ‘program settings’ in all my ideas atm but a way to automate my suggestion above could be.
Action for program setting kidsmealfreeON - is not local would be chosen.
A trigger for start and stop
And two rules for start and stop looking for the trigger and action to be set kidsmealfreeON to say ON and OFF or 1 and 0…
Then add a constraint to the rule from above which updates the other program setting of elidgable for free kids meal to check is the kidsmealfreeON setting is ON so it only fires if between trigger a and b.
Hope that offers a sution… Someone may have a better one.

Use ticket states for this. The state would only activate if specific date found as a constraint. You can check that state for visibility,enabled mapping of the gift automation command

Use ticket created event to set state.

Example use Update Ticket State action for State Name put Free Item for State put [:State] as a variable so we can defined the state inside the rule.

In Ticket Created rule put a custom constraint of {DATE:ddd} Equals Sat|Sun

Insert your action and put Activated for the State

Go to Automation Commands and click on the mapping for Gift. In enabled put Free Item=Activated you can put this state in Visible as well if you want the button to only be visible with that state.

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Good shout, didn’t that about dates as constraints.

Sorry should be Matches not Equals. Also we should use Order States instead since you need it to be on Order Line.

Let me redo it and ill fix my quick tutorial.

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How would you add time to this? Second constraint line and make matches all?

Use {TIME} and put it on a 2nd Constraint


{TIME} After 700  
{TIME} Before 1100

Those two constraints would set a time period for it to be active between 7am and 11am

Thanks, looks simple way to time basic happy hour :slight_smile:

Do you need to format the {TIME:hhmm}?

Forget that, you cleared that - 24hr clock :wink:

Yes this is something me and @QMcKay have been trying to tell the many people that seem bent on using Triggers for HH.

No need to format it if your using 24hr format.

I think I found the triggers method early on and used that which Is why I didnt think of date constraints.

So to sum it all up as you see in my last screenshots.

  1. Create Update Order State action
    Set Free Item as State Name and [:State] for State
  2. Create Order Added to Ticket Rule
    Put the custom constraint {DATE} Matches Sat|Sun
    Put your action in the rule and set Activated for the State.

Finally go back to Automation Commands and click on Gift. Click on Mapping and for Enabled type Free Item=Activated you can also type this for Visible if you want it only visible during this state.


I created all actions but I missed something… where do I specify meals and gift items?

You don’t. You use gift button on any order you want free. What I showed is how to restrict gift button to specific days and time.

It needs additional automation for that.

If I follow kendash’s suggestion correctly.
The state will be applied to all orders added during the specified times.
If you wanted to restrict the enabling of the gift button to products/categories ad a constraint in the rule to update the order on order added to ticket
Which would mean the product would be manually gifted and could only be manually gifted if order was added in the set time frame.

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Or just use product tags and list only those tags in a constraint. Lots of methods. Personally I think using an ask question to give option of few items might work best for him.

Would that not result is lots of ask questions? Imagine not every main meal ordered in the time window would need an ask question to add a free kids meal.

You can set restrictions so it wont ask more than once if one is chosen.

Just add constraints so it only asks for the menu items set to get a free meal??

What im saying is if the offer is kids meal free with adult meal that not every adult meal will want a kids meal. A table of 4 adults without kids would mean 4 ask questions as I understand it.

This is true. So you would need to work out a system for that.