Windows xp compatibility

hello ,
can install sambapos on windows xp?
It seems that Windows XP is not compatible with sql server express 2012 right? Can I use sql server 2008 otherwise ?

Windows XP has no support for .NET Framework 4.5.

SambaPOS 4 (and 5) requires .NET 4.5

The root of the issue is a compatibility problem between XP and .Net 4.5

The simple answer to your question is No. You cannot install SambaPOS 4 (or 5) on Windows XP. You must use Windows 7 or greater.

XP is not compatible with many applications. There is no good reason to run XP in this day and age.

Sambapos v3 work in Windows xp?

Yes v3 will work with the nearly 15 year old operating system.


thanks a lot. sambapos v3 work fine in windows xp with sql server express 2008

Yes it should. I mean it is now 2015 so it makes sense that older software would work with older software :stuck_out_tongue: Anyway glad your happy.


Hey @gioalba. Check this one.

I’ve didn’t thought that but it seems they won’t even patch XP for viruses, trojans or online threats. Using it might be a serious security risk for your business.

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