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FYI when choosing a field label try and use at least 2 words with a space.
If chosen label conflicts with a built in square bracket variable of rule its used in it bypasses rules set value and takes the parameter directly, very hard to workout if you do that and didn’t realise.
All rule variables do not have a space so having a space ensures no pisible conflict.

That question was about meaning, but all the required fields were active. In the current task, I see only one field and when I enter a value, I do not have any additional fields as in the screenshot from the author of the solution. I’ll try to watch your video, maybe I’ll find a solution there.

You set a parameter in actions by using [:paramtername] for the fields.

You can name them whatever you want. In the case of this tutorial some were named [:BGcolor] for the Background Color field.

The constraint field is for constraints for that individual account within the rule, its nothing to do with any of actual action fields.
If you don’t set the ‘placeholder’/‘parameter name’ in the square brackets in the action the field won’t be carried into the rule.
Just watch some of my videos, should help you understand.