Adding a expiry date on samba card loyalty

i like to add an expiry date on samba loyalty card feature, as customer dine in collect points and only can accumulate up to one year, after that will reset to zero.
please advise.

I’ve earned 10 points 1 year before, not used it and earned 10 more points 1 month before expiry date. Are you sure it should reset all my points to zero after expiry date?

we wish to have the card an expiry date, they need to use certain of the card point to change for renewal, is that possible? when come to the scenario above, our side will advise customer to redeem all the points or use for card renewal.

Hello @khor79. I think you are trying to implement something like that.

@JohnS is away atm but when he comes back he can give us tips about how to implement that.

ok, i will wait for his feedback, thanks emre