2nd termional issue

trying to connect 2nd terminal but always has errors disbaled windows security

tips please

Are you using the “Edit Connection” button? Your missing User Id and Password in the string. The “Edit Connection” dialog will place the fields in the proper syntax and order.

Did you enable named pipes and tcp ip in SQL Server configuration manager?

tried it with username and password still the same result my main pc logins in to the connection string but my second terminal dosent

Says it’s not found. So either firewall preventing it or you didn’t setup the networking correct.

i followed the tutorial right up to the end as my main PC is connected to the string should i just uninstall and restart?

I wouldnt need to install SQL in the 2nd terminal right?

No you dont need to instal SQL Express on 2nd terminal.

okay so ill follow the tutorial and wont install SQL on 2nd terminal. Thanks will let you know

Can you see that computer on the network?

@gijoe9001 This document can help for 2. Terminal.


  1. Both terminals need to be on Private network (Windows 10) or Homegroup (any other windows).

  2. Make sure you Turn On Network discovery on both computers

  3. Make sure you Enable Network Pipes and TCP/IP on mmc.exe or Computer Management on the Server

  4. Turn off Windows Firewall for Private network

  5. Make sure they are on the same Router/Switch with same Gateway and subnet mask.

Im trying to connect the pcs through the net and not locally is that possible?

No it’s not designed to work that way. It will be very slow and not reliable. Why do you want to do that? PS that could violate license use as well. License is good for one venue. You need another license if you operate a second venue.

okay, im trying to connect a current pos which is in the bar with a pc in the office but they dont want to connect it locally via cable as casing will be visible. Any suggestions? the pc in the office will just be for admin changes should i just connect the pc via remote access?

You could get a wifi card and connect it wirelessly.

So SQL cannot connect through a router thats hooked up to the internet?

Does samba have a back office type layout/system as I know its a standalone with huge capabilities, just wondering if theres a back office sort of concept? Any suggestions sorry just a thot.Thanks for the comments and help btw great support.

You can network it and use unlimited terminals in the network. One of those can be your backoffice terminal.

It can but it will not be a good experience. Also we do not recommend it because it could violate license if its found that its being done to power another venue and attempt to circumvent the licensing for multiple venues.

I do not understand why you dont just setup a network either cabled or wifi. If you do not want to run physical cables then use wifi router and a wifi card. Physical cables is always the preferred method.