About printing problem

i have a problem with my tablets. i setup sambapos v5 on my tablet(local) connected with database. and i use 3 printer they connected with ethernet. i setup my printers drivers on tablet. and i begin to use sambapos. but there is a problem with printing. 1 in 10 orders are printing 10 min. later from printer. so i am using my 5 tablets with rdp. how can i use my tablets on local?

SO, you using RDP or not?
RDP, actually, your tablet is not connect to database. It is your main computer that connect to database. Your tablet printer driver has nothing to do with it? :confused:

If using RDP, you don’t need to do anything on tablet. You have to setup each user on main computer. Basically, It is just like you use main computer with different users. So, if that user on main computer have problem, your RDP will have problem.

You have to troubleshooting on the computer that RDP connected to by using RDP user account and go from there.


i can explain again. i setup sambapos on my windows tablet. and setup printer drivers. everything is ok. sambapos run. printers run. but sometimes it not work. and printing waiting on tablet. and order printed 10 min. later from printer. this situation is very bad for kitchen and costumers.

It is your networking issue. You should config static IP for all printers and tablets.

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This wont be a samba issue, samba would either print or not, its a network/windows/printer issue.
Generally the print flow for a networked printer would be;
Samba → Local Windows Printer by name → [Network if shared printer] → Windows Spool/Que [on remote machine is shared printer] → Network to printer —> Printer.

I would find it very unlikely that you would get other tickets print between the initial print and the actual printing of these delayed tickets…

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