I need to add in my work period report the total receivables of the day.
Note that i am using virtual work periods and i have open tickets through the month.
For Example. Today i had total sales 15 Euro in Cash. Also an employee paid me with credit card the amount of 5 euro from an open ticket that was issued 2 days ago. My issue is that when i print the work period report i see only the 15 euro cash. How can i add the payment that was made today of the old ticket ?
Thanks in Advance
Try this report:
{REPORT SQL DETAILS:SELECT Amount FROM dbo.Payments WHERE Date > '{Start}' AND Date < '{End}':F.Amount.sum}
If you want to a breakdown of payment types, use this report (change the payment name to each of your payment types):
{REPORT SQL DETAILS:SELECT Amount FROM dbo.Payments WHERE Name = 'Cash' AND Date > '{Start}' AND Date < '{End}':F.Amount.sum}
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