[answered]Database questions

Yeah I have used this for long time I just never got around to sharing it. Its good for testijng.

Yes, indeed. never knew it works. Good to know.

Sorry for version 4 it would be (localdb)\v11.0

so it would look like: DataSource=(localdb)\v11.0; Database=[?Enter Database Name]

Default Database name is SambaPOS4 So your original Database would be SambaPOS4 you can make any name for the new one.

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thank you very much, I will try this tonight after we close.


hello anyone around?
I have locked myself out of my old database.
Oh my, big trouble here.
How can I get back in?


Change your connection string to

DataSource=(localdb)\v11.0; Database=SambaPOS4

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will try right now - thanks

Its not working - I cannot get in the program, omg I really screwed up this.
I put the string in the error message box,same thing happens.

Try going to program data folder then Sambapos and delete samba settings.txt It’s hidden directory in c: drive.

PS it’s ok you have not messed it up we just need to figure out your database name. Do you have Microsofr SQL Server Management Studio installed?

If not you can download and install it for free we can use it to connect to your SQL instance and find your database name.

no I don’t have anything extra installed.

PYou can download it from Microsoft it’s free tool. Once you get it installed start it up and connect to (localdb)\v11.0 use Windows authentication just press connect it should show list of databases.

if I have a backup from a few hours ago, cant I just use that on a new install?
I am a computer idiot here.

No it’s easier to find your.db name. Or you can delete the samba settings file and restart that resets connect string to default.

k I will try that thanks

I have to try to get some sleep it’s 12:27 am here. I’ll offer more help in morning if your still stuck.

how do rename the database on install?


If using localdb you don’t. Why do you want to do that?

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ok, I will read everything again. I am missing something here.
thanks again, sorry to be such a pain.


Hello Kendash

I am still locked out. I am using my back up computer for the house
I cannot get past the pink error connection screen using the string from above
DataSource=(localdb)\v11.0; Database=SambaPOS4
I downloaded the studio program and the name is correct.
Any suggestions??
Update: I am back in, now working on the second database.
Thanks again

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What ended up working? Was it a typo?