Application Ending Not firing

So the application ending rule used to work where when I closed sambapos or if it happened to crash for some reason it would start the explorer.exe process so that the user could launch it again or not get a blank desktop since i use sambapos as a custom shell. Seems like with the latest windows update it stopped working. I actually cant get it fire anything when application ends. Not even opening a notepad.exe program.

What version of SambaPOS do you use and what version of Windows.

Samba 5.2.24
Windows 10pro 1903

I just tested it and your right it seems to not be working.

EDIT: I will rephrase… Start Process and that event do not work. We need to test other actions.

Yes that’s the only way I use it so I’m not sure if anything else works. Guess could have tried backup database that should work right ? For testing.

The start process action does work for automation commands. I’m able to use that to start and kill the explorer.exe process for kiosk mode.

There are better ways to set it to run in kiosk. I have a tool ill share with you. This way you can still allow admin to recover with a password.

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Right now it runs pretty smooth… I have windows auto login and launches samba as a shell then if we need to get into windows I have a automation command setup to start the explorer process. And another to end it if I need to. Then if I need to close samba and start it again I have a automation command set to kill explorer process on application start.

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What was that tool you have called for running in kiosk mode… Want to check it out.

Application Ending event is still not working in v5.3.0. Was this not fixed?