Auto select option on products stops auto logout

Here is the SQL database. Admin password is 1234 Employee Password is 4321 (594.8 KB)

Let me know if the DB works for you.

cheers! i just gotta download sql express 2014, i was using 2012 so it doesnt work

Yeah there really isn’t a lot of difference… I just installed the latest version when I got mine.

I would really like to get the database tools import file to work. I am going to look into it see if I can figure it out. I just went through all my actions/rules I thought.

when i open the database file you sent this is what it looks like??

No your not connect to it yet. check your local settings string. That says your connected to a CE
Data Source=localhost\Sambapos; User Id=SA; Password=sambapos;

when i click the database file you sent i get this message

Set your localsettings to what I said then shutdown. Then try using the backup tool to restore the database. Just please make sure you have your own setup backed up. I would also recommend using MIcrosoft SQL server management studio

I entered those local settings and it didnt like it

Keep the string… use sql server management studio to restore the db then load samba.

I am trying to get the database tools file to work. Ill let you know if I do.

how do i restore the database in sql server management studio?

brill thanks :slight_smile:

connect Object Explorer Right click your database SambaPOS4 choose tasks then Restore

Its something to do with my Customer Entity I will just leave it out see if the tools file imports

EDIT: I know why its not working. GIve me few minutes ill fix it. I am not sure if I can. It is creating duplicates when it imports.

You can just wait for my tutorial I am in middle of it now. The database backup works if you load it right.

ok cheers, im no good with sql i cant get the 2014 server one working dont really know what im doing lol, original instal is easy as it sets it all up automatically. cool, ill wait for your tutorial thanks :slight_smile:

The reason you couldnt import the file is because you already have those rules/actions you would have to delete everything then import it. It was a list of EVERY thing I had… I selected everything except customer entity type.

ah right, ill backup and copy it, then delete everything and try the file again

just wait for my tutorials. If your not sure about sql then dont even try. I will be posting them shortly.

ok will; do, i just tried deleting all the action/rules etc and importing your file from before but i got the same error

ill just wait for your tutorial, thanks again

Its because this involves more than actions/rules. it uses States, Accounts, Payment types… ticket types. I could make it work if I could remember which settings were unique and which were samba default. I could then export only those unique… but i cannot remember them all.