Backup restore issues

I used to be able to backup/restore between the two machines all the times but today after I cannot restore a db backup from the RnD machine.

Error message is: ~The backup is done at a server running
and is not compatible with this machine(the testing machine) which is running

I cannot upgrade the testing machine to server due to other constraint - is there a way in SambaPOS to force backup into a specific version?

That is not a SambaPOS issue its a MSSQL issue and no you can not do that. Why can you not upgrade SQL versions?

I think the machine has limited internal storage or a version of the Win10 which is not compatible with Server

Doh well you may not have much luck. I have heard of people downgrading a database but I wouldnt trust it myself. Time to upgrade to 64bit I mean its been around since 2003 :stuck_out_tongue:

database backups
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