Barcode integration for meat section scale

Hi ive not setup a price check button yet its on my to do list

Also please remember people on the forum are all over the world so when you posted your question 3 hours ago it was 6am in the UK and i was in bed (and stil would be if my little girl hadnt woke up lol)

Not sure what time zone Q is in


Why did I put barcode as 1234? Because I don’t use barcodes on my bar and put one on a product to test.
An SQL query can be used inside a report SQL details report expression or inside a jscript.
Both methods are documented on the forum
 You need to be more proactive rather than just expect full tutorial directions for every question.
Have you even searched the forum for script call or SQL query?


Hello Everybody

Now i come up with a idea that if i make rule in which i create ticket, add a order and show message.
but the problem is when i press price check it opens the ticket but how can i add a item in the ticket so i would show the price and name.
my basic understanding is when cashier press price check they would scan the item and by adding the item in the ticket it will show the message and i would also add the close ticket action to the rule later.
I need something between creating order and add order action to wait till the cashier scan a item.
and @JTRTech yeah i read alot but my problem is simple i dont know why you make things so difficult. :rage:

@QMcKay please help!

Because I am trying to help with legitimate solution.
If you want to create a ticket just do that, add the item, see the price and cancel the team then close the ticket.
Again you ask for Qs help.
That’s fine, I won’t bother helping you again
 I try and offer you a solution which doesn’t create a ticket etc and mess with ticket numbers but what do I know, am only an experienced samba user for 2 years who has made highly complex intergrations with booking systems and a customer loyalty database sync scipt and more.

The verdic is your using a hospitality (that’s bar and restaurant) software for a retail setup, using tutorials, to make a system which is already complex beyond origional design it was programmed for which our understanding the fundamentals of the software are limited and your expecting free support from fellow forum users who are not paid support staff on demand.
The people answering your questions are not paid support people, we are business owners and managers who use samba pos in those businesses offering help and advise to other users
 So show some god dam respect when we try and help.
Far too many free loaders nowadays on this forum expecting instant answers to questions either already covered or more complex things requiring a bit of for though and you my friend (although you won’t care) will receive no further assistance from myself.

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Hey Hey easy man I didnt mean that why you always angry like a angry bird.
Chill man i was joking.
I respect everybody so cool yourself :stuck_out_tongue:


Then maybe you should think about what you post before posting then
 I am not having the best day today but would not be alone on being fustrated as a responce like yours

followed by

To me is disrespectful, since the last post from q was

But yet a slur and angry face! at somone trying to help followed by a plee to someone who says they cant because they dont have similar setup!

I know exactly why you what Q to help because he is renowned for going above and beyond with full blown tutorials for people like yourself.

If you want direct help from Q private message him and save the rest of us the wasted time reading your questions
 I wasnt going to bother even trying to offer a sample SQL query because I knew you would expect a full tutorial and likely just @ q for help like you have a couple of times now
 but saw your topic wasnt going very far very quickly so thought Id feed you a sample to show you what was meant by script since you previously showed you had no idea what I was talking about and the gratitude I get is to be told im over complicating it and asking for someone else to help
 Well thank you very much
 Im going to the pub so good luck waiting on Q for help - (Sorry Q, looks like your going to have to handle this, dispite not having a scanner or any reason to be interested in retail solution

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Oh goooooooshhhh

Relax yourself.
Please anybody tell him i didn’t mean to hurt his feelings.
I am sorry if i hurt your feelings.
And one more thing i was willing to get paid support but when I look into the features they were offering in a support package i didn’t find the things which i was looking for.
Otherwise i won’t come here for help and harass people.

Thank you for your time.

And the next thing is I don’t mind wasting ticket no, I think I can live with this but the problem is I checked many tutorials for example stock level and what I realized in stock level you have to scan item first and then select it so the rule will show you the stock level.
In my case I have to press price check first and then scan the item.

Actually if you take a moment to read back the thread of what you wrote, I totally understand why JTRTech felt the way he did and is justified. You said something followed by a angry/rage emoji, whilst it isn’t easy to read emotion from a message, putting the angry face at the end made it look clearly as if you were quite angry about the help you got.

Don’t exactly know exactly what features you would expect or not, but I would have though if you had a support package, it covers things like this

Anyway, if you want someone to set it up for you for a fee / paid support, just post in the Ads category. There are many people on the forum who are resellers of SambaPOS and run our businesses supporting people like you (I myself am a reseller of SambaPOS), because sometimes it is faster just to pay an expert to handle it for you than do it yourself, so the options are there.

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Did it for someone else but this is how simple it would have been if you had just been open to my sugestion;


Oh thank yooooouuuuuuu soooooo much you are my buddy :smiley: