Barcode Open Ticket Scanning To Cash Out Customer

I remember we discussed it before… Your idea lead me to think about ticket numbers. We force ticket number to update on printing. so allowing ticket number in Display Ticket action may work too. What do you think?

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Call me stubborn but for some reason I really like the idea of being able to use a definable random number where I can choose the character count and structure of the number.

Maybe its all the years of using Walmarts system and seeing how they structure their Transaction data.


How can i print the Barcode in center of the Paper ?

use formatting in your printer template:

<bar>{TICKET ID}

C = Centre

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@Jesse @emre @QMcKay
How can i Generates an Random string 9 numbers long that contains only numbers
I know i Can Use {RANDOM} But it’s too long

Does {RANDOM:9} not do this or is that value alphanumeric?

Thanks @RickH
{RANDOM:9} generates alphanumeric value. I need only numbers 9 long…

looking at the random tags available i dont think it is possible yet, @emre may need to create a new random tag that is specifically numeric

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