I am using Product Codes as barcodes to make searching my items faster but the system is case-sensitive.
Some of the product codes contain upper case and some lower case.
Eg. BSR4528 & mtb1146a
Is it possible to have the barcode search case-insensitive?
Upper case and lowercase barcodes are not same so removing case sensivity may break some people’s flow.
Also you can’t navigate out of an open ticket with navigate action.
Are you manually typing barcodes? When there is no barcode found “Numberpad value Entered” rule will fire. Maybe you can try handling that rule to implement your custom search logic with JScript and use Add Order action to add the order.
Yes that makes sense.
I had thought of using the "Numberpad value entered event but I thought it would slow down the system executing a query every time something is entered into the number pad.
Is it possible to show the report in some sort of popup within the POS screen?
That executes when user submits value by clicking enter and if it is not an existing barcode.
If you try this I’ll strongly suggest SQL but for testing you can try using this tag to resolve product name from barcode by lowcase and partial matching.
{REPORT MENU ITEM DETAILS:M.Name:MenuItem.Barcode != null && MenuItem.Barcode.ToLower().Contains("123456")}
Displaying reports in a popup is not possible and also it will be a lot slower. You may try to implement a HTML + GraphQL based solution though.