Basic Cash Shift Tracker

Hello here is a very basic shift change cash tracker. We can improve this and add more features as needed.

Here is the DB Tools import file.
Shift (1.4 KB)


This includes an updated Cash Transactions report.

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Awesome! I think if we can change shift without ending the work period and print sales reports only for the currently logged in cashier and log them off the system for the day.
The work period can be run from AM shift through PM shift and be closed as the main END OF DAY report since this is when most people do their stock counting and physical stock entries.

Say for example a restaurant opens at 8:00AM that’s when the work period starts, and that is the same time the AM shift starts as well. The AM shift ends at 12:00PM but we don’t close the work period, we just print a report similar to the Cash Transaction Report for that particular cashier who is being cashed up. We continue with that same period and end the work period at the end of the day. The main reason is most restaurants will not have time to count their stocks to do the End Of Day records during shift change so it will be easy to just put in physical stock once at the end of day.

We can improve this. Everyone will want it to work different ways. We can find ways to do that.

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Is ther a way to restrict reports access? Could one user have access just to one report? I´d like my cashier to be able to access one report only

Via entity screen widget can be done I beleive.

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